ASHNHA CNA Workforce
Development Project
Application for Funding Recruitment and Retention Incentives
AHHA is accepting applications for funding to provide recruitment and retention incentive payments to employed nurse aides in-training and employed certified nurse aides (CNAs) at Alaska nursing homes and hospitals.
AHHA has a contract with the state and seeks to accomplish the following:
Recruit new CNAs to immediately complete training and certification, enter the workforce, and support Alaska’s long-term care facilities to address CNA shortages.
Create a pipeline of interest to grow Alaska’s CNA workforce for the future.
Retain existing CNAs at Alaska skilled nursing facilities and hospitals.
Facilities or programs interested in receiving funding for recruitment and/or retention incentive payments for CNAs may complete and submit an application. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis beginning on November 8, 2021. Applications will be accepted and reviewed until all funds have been allocated.
Priority will be given to funding requests from Alaska nursing homes and critical access hospitals. Requests for funding from other Alaska hospitals will be considered based on availability of funds.
Total funding available is approximately $575,000. If funding requests exceed total funds available, facilities will receive a percent of their requested amount to allow all facilities to benefit from the funding.
Funding must be used for payments for retention incentives for currently employed CNAs or as a recruitment incentive for employed nurse aides completing CNA training. Funding may not be used to support incentives for travelers or contract CNAs not employed by the facility. A plan for how the funding will be used is required as part of the application process. The plan must be based on the guidelines for incentives.
Guidelines for use of funds:
Maximum retention payment per full-time CNA is $1,000 and $500 for part-time CNA.
Retention payments can be given in one lump sum or divided into 2 or more incentive payments given at specific intervals. (eg: $500 payment Nov. 15 and $500 payment Jan 15)
Recruitment payments can be given to new hires as a “signing bonus” and/or based on training milestones such as completion of coursework or passing the state CNA exam (maximum of $1000)
A CNA cannot receive both a retention and a recruitment bonus.
Facilities are encouraged to consider offering incentive payments as part of support for CNAs to receive COVID vaccines under facility or federal CMS vaccine mandate.
Funds may be used to provide an additional incentive for CNAs who serve as preceptors to CNA trainees. Maximum preceptor incentive is $500.
Incentive funds for retention must be expended by June 1, 2022.
Incentive funds for recruitment must be expended by October 1, 2022.
Organizations must submit a brief report of actual incentives distributed by incentive type by October 31, 2022.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss your application contact Debbie Lowenthal at (907) 586-1790.