Alaska’s behavioral health system Is fragmented and increasingly stressed. Without appropriate behavioral health care in community-based or inpatient treatment settings, patients in crisis are kept in emergency departments or non-psychiatric inpatient units or discharged home without a referral to the treatment they need.
While this is a serious and urgent problem across the country, Alaska’s overall lack of behavioral health services across the continuum of care— from crisis stabilization as an alternative to the ED, to inpatient psychiatric treatment beds, to community based (outpatient) behavioral health services for non-emergency care and ongoing maintenance to avoid another crisis—compounds this problem significantly and has resulted in increasing strain on emergency departments in particular.
Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority 2022 Annual Report
Addressing the Gaps in the Crisis Psychiatric Response System (DHSS, 2020)
Stem the Tide: Addressing the Opioid Epidemic (AHA)
Alaska Emergency Department Coordination Project (EDCP) slides
Alaska’s Behavioral Health Crisis Continuum, Civil and Forensic
AHHA and state leaders are offering a monthly webinar series on behavioral health topics and issues. Click on the links below for recordings of each hour-long session.
Recording Involuntary Commitment and Title 47 – Common questions about the law
Passcode: q^pn.^3*
SMART Medical Clearance Form Recording
Passcode: ^85ms90c
Download the SMART form and SMART Cover Page
Implementing a Behavioral Health Crisis Continuum of Care
Passcode: 9.Db+&#z
Psychiatric De-Escalation Strategies (Dr. Scott Zeller with Vituity)
Passcode: 66Mqs8^s
Child and Adolescent Behavioral Healthcare Improvement Project (2022)
AHHA received funding from the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority for this project striving to improve acute behavioral health services specific to children and adolescents by addressing gaps and delays across the continuum of care. The final report includes perspectives and data gathered from a stakeholder workgroup, providers, and families with lived experiences along with recommendations and an actionable workplan.
Acute Behavioral Health Improvement Project (2019)
In early 2018, AHHA received funding from The Mental Health Trust Authority to request funding for the Acute Behavioral Health Improvement Project to develop a roadmap for initiatives and infrastructure to support the adult behavioral care continuum. Workgroups included representatives from 31 organizations - federal and state departments, community partners, and hospitals across Alaska. The final report for this project was completed in April of 2019 and AHHA developed a workplan based on recommendations and strategies identified through the project.
An unprecedented number of health care professionals experience burnout, depression and other forms of distress, and are at in increased risk for suicide as compared to the general population. Over the past three years, "fear of exposure to COVID infection and transmission, staff shortages, inadequate personal protective equipment, and work stress have added an extra burden to an already stressful lifestyle."
- Suicide in Healthcare Workers: Determinants, Challenges, and the Impact of COVID-19.
Healthcare professionals who take care of their mental health are better able to care for patients and resist the effects of burnout, stress, and depression. We've gathered some resources for healthcare professionals and facilities - tools for finding and providing support, and strategies for creating work environments that prioritize the well-being of healthcare workers.
> Visit the Workforce Wellness Page
AHHA strongly supports adding crisis services to the behavioral health continuum of care available in Alaska. One option that is currently a focus of implementation by the Mental Health Trust is the Crisis Now model of care.
This model includes three components to ensure an appropriate level of care in a timely manner for anyone in crisis:
Crisis call center staffed by specialists that can support and stabilize individuals over the phone.
24/7 Mobile Crisis Teams meet people where they are and working to resolve crises.
Crisis Stabilization Locations offering ‘no wrong door’ to anyone needing crisis services.
The consultation report for recommendations on implementing this model in Alaska was completed by RI International for the Mental Health Trust on December 27, 2019.