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National Leaders Join ASHNHA's Annual Legislative Update Event

Two national leaders will be joining ASHNHA's 2022 Legislative Mid-Session Update to provide perspective on the federal healthcare landscape for ASHNHA members. Clifton Porter, Senior Vice President of the American Healthcare Association/National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL) and Aimee Kuhlman, Vice President of Advocacy and Grassroots at the American Hospital Association (AHA) will join us virtually from DC on February 24, the opening day of the event.

Aimee Kuhlman

Vice President of Advocacy and Grassroots, AHA

Aimee has been a member of the Federal Relations department at the AHA since 2011. In addition to advocating the full range of AHA’s legislative and regulatory agenda, her specific issue areas include post-acute care and the 340B Drug Pricing Program.

Prior to her work at the AHA, she spent 8 years on Capitol Hill, working as a health care staffer for Congressman Jim McCrery (R-LA) and Doctor Bill Cassidy (R-LA). Aimee graduated from the Louisiana State University with a Bachelor's of Arts in mass communication and from the Johns Hopkins University with a Master's of Business Administration in health care management.

Clifton (Clif) Porter, II

Senior Vice President of Government Relations, AHCA/NCAL

Clif Porter has been serving the needs of seniors in the Long Term Care field for over 31 years, beginning his career as an Administrator in Training at a Skilled Nursing Facility in 1989, serving as an Administrator of several Skilled Nursing Centers from 1990 through 1998, and capping his operational experience as a Regional Director of Operation for a large-urban market from 1998 through 2004. Porter then accepted the challenge of leading HCR ManorCare’s Government Relations Department from 2004 to 2013 as its Vice President of Government Relations and served on various state health care association boards from 2004 to 2013.

Now, serving as the top lobbyist in AHCA/NCAL, Clif works to promote the association’s legislative agenda. Under his leadership, AHCA was intricately involved in many legislative accomplishments including the passage of the IMPACT Act, repeal of the physician SGR, implementation of SNF Value Based Purchasing and permanent repeal of Part B therapy caps. Clif’s greatest accomplishment was to lead the COVID response negotiations with the White House and Congress ensuring billions of dollars in support for the sector during this critical time. Clif holds a Bachelor of Science Degree from the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine in Healthcare Management.

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