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Dementia Care Training by HealthCare Interactive

On-demand training available for purchase


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HealthCare Interactive provides person-centered online video training with an easy-to-use approach to dementia care called the CARES® Approach.

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On-demand training available for purchase

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About the Event

AHHA has partnered with AHCA/NCAL to offer Healthcare Interactive (HCI) CARES® Dementia Care Trainings at a 15% discount.  AHCA/NCAL members may purchase any of the programs with a single-site license with unlimited staff usage for one year for only $1,275 after using the AHCA15 promo code and receiving 15% off (regularly $1,499). Individuals can buy any of the CARES® online training and certification programs and save 15% off the $99 regular course price. 

CARES® training includes actual direct-care video training with an easy-to-use, easy-to-remember approach to dementia care called the CARES® Approach (C-Connect, A-Assess Behavior, R-Respond, E-Evaluate, and S-Share). The CARES® Approach can be used in any situation, with any person with dementia, and at any stage of the disease.

Training programs include:

CARES® Dementia Basics

CARES® Dementia Advanced Care™

CARES® Dementia-Related Behavior™

CARES® Activities of Daily Living™

CARES® End-of-Life Dementia Care™

CARES® Dementia Care for Families™ 

CARES® Elder Abuse Awareness & Prevention™

CARES® Serious Mental Illness™

CARES® Dementia-Friendly Hospitals™

Call HCI at (952) 928-7722 with any questions about the training programs or visit

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